
While parameters are sufficient for cascading data down from parent units, sometimes parent units need to get data back from their children. Captures accomplish this by allowing a unit to emit values, which can be captured by their parents when desired. This allows us to do things like get 'facts' about the system from shared units, or to respond to recoverable error conditions.
meta() {
  desc "installs a package, will use sudo to escalate priveleges"
  params !name:string

deps() {
  dep -> !id:os_id:string

check() {
  case $os_id in
      if dpkg -l | grep -q "^ii  $name"; then
      if apk info | grep -q "^$name"; then
      echo "This unit only works on debian and alpine"
      exit 1

# Other operations skipped here, see cookbook for a more complete example of
# package handling.

Here, the line dep " -> id:os_id:string" tells sysunit that the unit should be run, and that it is expected to emit a value named id as a string which will then be aliased to the os_info parameter (the alias is optional, we could have also specified -> id:string, but being able to add context and avoid name collisions is nice.) This value is then available in the unit via the $os_id variable.

Emitting Values

Now let's look at the unit depends on:

check() {
  . /etc/os-release

  emit_value id "$ID"
  emit_value name "$NAME"
  emit_value version_id "$VERSION_ID"
  emit_value pretty_name "$PRETTY_NAME"

Here, the emit_value function is used to send key-value pairs to Sysunit, so they can be provided to dependees. This can be called from check, apply or remove hooks. We must ensure that all required values get emitted, but optional values can be skipped. (For example, we may have values which are only emitted if the unit is removed.)

Parameter Availability

Capture params are available in the check, apply, and remove hooks, but not in deps or meta, since dependencies will not have run until after the deps hook has completed.